Attached to a Letter of Disgust.
What would happen if the Corporation got inundated with such letters or phone calls, would it add to the uneasiness of things at bethel?
attached to a letter of disgust.
what would happen if the corporation got inundated with such letters or phone calls, would it add to the uneasiness of things at bethel?.
Attached to a Letter of Disgust.
What would happen if the Corporation got inundated with such letters or phone calls, would it add to the uneasiness of things at bethel?
any takers?
we can pick a date and pull the plug?
lol .
i recently read how advanced meditation increases the brains waves, higher frequency alpha waves which is linked to higher state of consciousness and intelligence.
now i saw this article, that it also increases life and health, etc.
i haven't really read or researched meditation but i was wondering if anybody has got into it, into a 'non religious' aspect of it.
any takers?
we can pick a date and pull the plug?
lol .
many people think that wt is a publishing company and at one time that was true.
however, they are slowly fading that out into more digital publications.
we all have come to the conclusion that printed material from the wt is going way of the dinosaur.
has anyone else heard that Tony Morris is sick? I have been told by two bethelites they have heard he was, and he looked terrible on his latest morning worship.
No doubt with all those curses being pronounced on him by people who know he's full of shit and a real asshole it finally is effecting his health. My prediction is he will die and not live to see armegeddon.
any takers?
we can pick a date and pull the plug?
lol .
there is a visitor brother in town and from what ive been told, he has been a missionary for many years and they were having a get together for him.
i took my mom to that get-together yesterday and stayed for a few minutes.
i heard a group around a table with the visitor brother talking about how hard it was getting in the world with so many distractions and that many of the brothers were falling into the trap and leaving jehovahs organization.
i think these fruit cake ceos called the governing body should make the grade.
they definitely take the cake for the most buffoonery and mis management of resources.
buying chemical dumps for real estate investments, lawsuits up the yin yang because they were too busy denying reality.. they were flush with money got careless and have engaged in one hail mary play after another hoping for a mysterious sky daddy to straighten out a mess they have been making of things, by running a corporation full of wishful thinking and unsubstantiated facts while all the while under the deadly delusions of being at the steering wheel of jehovah's invisible dilapidated chariot with no brakes and not even a horn to warn people to get out of the way.. they been blaming the devil for all their problems instead of taking appropriate measures to correct them.
I think these fruit cake CEOs called the Governing Body should make the grade. They definitely take the cake for the most buffoonery and mis management of resources. Buying chemical dumps for real estate investments, Lawsuits up the yin yang because they were too busy denying reality.
They were flush with money got careless and have engaged in one Hail Mary play after another hoping for a mysterious Sky Daddy to straighten out a mess they have been making of things, by running a corporation full of wishful thinking and unsubstantiated facts while all the while under the deadly delusions of being at the steering wheel of Jehovah's invisible dilapidated Chariot with no brakes and not even a horn to warn people to get out of the way.
They been blaming the Devil for all their problems instead of taking appropriate measures to correct them. Lazy Old farts with their head screwed on backwards.
what happens to ex-bethelites is really of no concern to the gb.
and equally no concern to us as ex-jws or those who question jw organization.. layoffs have happened at headquarters and elsewhere for many, many years - although the scale this time is larger than previously, being an all time high: 1,600. .
for the record, we should spare any sympathy/empathy for those who are about to sent packing this time.
when the gb cuts loose 1600 volunteers, what makes them think they can continue telling them how they will spend their time?
i've read on many of these threads that the 1600 will be reassigned.
what, are they still under some sort of contract?.